Thursday, November 21, 2013

One Room Down (sorta)

So I sorta started my decorating. I have sooo much stuff and sometimes it's a little overwhelming to get started. Ever feel like that? But I am hosting my annual Christmas Cookie exchange party on Dec 14, my extended family is coming over for Christmas Eve (first time ever!) and my kids would kill me if I didn't decorate. So, gotta get busy! I got one room sorta done. The dining room.

I had this old cupboard in my living room, but I decided to get craaazy this year and move it to the dining room.  In keeping with the crazy I moved the white table in from my hall and put the cupboard on top (genius, I know). 
My uber talented sister painted that box for me. (In about 5 minutes no less ) I steal the ideas off Pinterest, she makes em for me :) . It is an old sewing box. Love. 
My 30.00 Goodwill table and 5.00 each Pottery Barn chairs. Gotta love garage sales and GW! 

On the other side is my beloved hoosie. My mom bought it for me abot 15 years ago and I will have it forever! Maybe they can turn it into my coffin? Anyhoo, I went with mostly white and wood in here. White rooms really aren't my thing, but I thought I'd do it in just ONE room. (Doing the whole house would seriously put me in color withdrawal). A few more shots just cuz...
Who doesn't love a tree in a pot??? Nobody, that's who.
So, one room about 90% done (it needs fresh greenery and such). But like Scarlett says, "I'll think about that tomorrow."

1 comment:

  1. I am starting decorating after Thanksgiving but you are good to get a jump on the holiday. Need to clear inventory out of kids rooms before Thanksgiving so they can sleep. Inventory goes into living room. They go back to college, inventory back in their rooms and Christmas comes out. What a life I lead....
