Friday, November 28, 2014

Turkey day, Black Friday and Thrifty Finds

Hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving! My husband and 3 of the kids went out of town to Omaha to see family and I stayed here and spent it with my mom and oldest son. My mom cooked, I cleaned up, and it was delicious! When the fam got home (about 11pm) my daughter wanted to go Black Friday shopping at midnight. Since I never get to see her anymore except on holidays I agreed to go. We hit a few close stores but she really wanted to drive down to the Plaza and go to Urban Outfitters and see the Plaza lights. Ugh, so far, so tired, but she begged so off we went. I was glad we did because I found something for me!
Yes they are KICK ASS boots, thanks for noticing. And marked down from 99.00 to 39.99. And half off because of Black Friday. Yup, $20.00! I love them. When I got home I was kicking myself  that I didn't buy more to flip on ebay! I guess shopping at 3 am doesn't make your mind the sharpest tack in the shed.
Since 90% of my wardrobe comes from the Goodwill this was a fun treat. Ok, on to the thrift junk 
Let me start with a little story. About a month ago my van died. It had a good run (it was 14 yrs old) but when they told me it ended a new engine, I knew it was time for a new vehicle. I found one on craigslist in a town about an hour west of me. So I called my mom to see if she wanted to go with me and look at it. Since it was an hour away, I had the great idea that we could stop at all the little towns on the way there and check out the thrift and antique stores. Our first stop was actually not that far but we found a thrift store I had never been to. I found my favorite find of the day there

This is a big (about 11/2' wide by 2' long) wooden heavy Tiny Tot Nursery. It has cellophane windows, tiny paper flowers and the roof lifts off

Inside were 4 tiny metal cots, a wooden chest, table, chairs and playpen. You might remember that this summer I found a box that had a bunch of tiny plastic dolls in it. Well they just happened to fit in the wee little cots

It is the cutest thing ever. I couldn't find anything like it on the internet so maybe it's handmade? Wouldn't it be cute decked out for Christmas? And so much easier to decorate than a real house! 
Here's the table and some tiny books that were also in there
This pic is with the whole structure removed. It's not attached so you can take it apart. Check out the linoleum. 
I haven't decided what to do with it, keep or sell. It takes up some room, but oh my, s'cute! 
I found lots of great Christmas items too but some are presents for a certain someone that reads this blog so I can't show you.

So the tiny tot nursery was my best find but my best purchase was this guy

Ain't it a beaut? Jeep Patriot with plenty of room for junking and hauling all my thrifty finds! 
I'm seriously in love with it. Road trip anyone? I'll drive! 
I'll leave you with a vintage holiday decor picture. This is my Hoosier, all decked out in red, green and white. 

It needs some greenery me thinks. Well, it's getting late and I want to get up early and shop so I must get some sleep. Till next time...

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween is Over :( and some Fun Finds :)

This is how I feel about putting away a butt load of Halloween crap.

But this is how I feel about the next holiday I care about! Ok he's not the happiest looking Santa but you catch my drift! And yes I know Thanksgiving is technically the next holiday but who cares. I'll  throw out all my Gurley turkey candles and call it a day. Plus, I usually work on Thanksgiving so I don't really celebrate it too much. I'm not working this year but plan on using my knee as my excuse to not cook. I hate to cook. That's why you are reading a VINTAGE blog, not a COOKING blog. Anyhoo, bad knee and all I managed to GET THE HELL OUT OF THIS HOUSE for a few hours. (Small case of cabin fever) In hindsight it wasn't a good idea because my knee hurt like hell AND started to bleed a little. The things we do for junk :)
What did I find you ask? Well first I wanna show you that big thing I told you about in my last post. 
My new vintage enamel top table! In white and green! My favorite colors! Ok, I'll stop with the exclamation points but check this beauty out...

Sorry about all the rando crap on it. And the dark picture. It's in my basement. Also a few months ago I was at an antique store and found this green vintage cabinet top. Guess what just happened to fit perfectly on top of my table and match? 

That's right, like PB&J they go together. They go together like ramma lamma lamma ka dinga ka dinga dong! (That's a Grease song for all you youngun's) 
So I had my desk, with a perfect top, I just needed a chair. Cuz the one I had was black, plastic and fugly. Of course I found one at the thrift! Did you really have to ask? 
5 bucks! Can't beat that with a stick. I'm not groovin on that yellow color but I am going to attempt to make a slipcover for it. I mean, I can sew a pillow so how hard can it be? Hahaha! (Mom? I may need your help). It is LITERALLY the most comfy chair I have ever sat on. Plus I can get out my vintage typewriter and pretend I'm a secretary on Mad Men. 
Now, onto this weekends finds (and hopefully nobody from my work reads this blog ;)) 

I thought this pillow was soooo cute! The front is embroidered and the back looks like barkcloth. But if you look real close at the top picture do you notice anything? Some snot nosed brat wrote his name GLENN on the pillow. Now I imagine that that name was written on that tea towel for a long time. Because who names their kid Glenn anymore? (And if you did, my apologies) and I imagine that little Glenn got a whoopin from his mama for writing on her tea towel. Because back when this thing was originally made, people still gave their kids whoopins. Right or wrong, I ain't judging. Just how my mind wanders :)
I also got this santa candy holder. Again, breaking my rule for NOT buying anymore vintage Christmas but I couldn't help myself! I need a Vintage Christmas Annonymous 12 step program.  Cuz I may need help :) 

And that's it! Shocking I know. But as soon as I'm moving better you know I'll make up for lost time. Have a great week!